Welcome to Angella's world : )

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beauty& the geek2



I love my father.

When I was young I didn't know that how much my father loved me. Now I know his love is can't explain because too much loved me. When I was middle school student, I didn't like my father. That time I thought he always step into my private life. If he didn't control to me then I might step in wrong way. Recently I go to exercise with father even me drinking with my father. I really love my father.


Friend's 20years Birthday

Today is my friend's 20years birthday. Her name is Park So min. We planed to secret birthday party. But someone told her about us planed secret party. We didn't find who’s told her. We didn't any other plan. We went to the Outback even over the 6 clock. I couldn't endure to eat in front of delicious food. We are prepared to present about cosmetic product. She never has been cosmetic. We think she need to cosmetic product. Because she became really 20years old. I don't know she is satisfied. I met the Prof. Pual in Outback. At first time I thought 'That guy is really looks like Paul. But he was really Paul. I couldn't believe. Anyway I'm really having a good today.


Introduce about my little pet

This dog name is Doolly. He is leave for 10 years with our family. When I elementary school student, I really want to bring the dog. But my mom didn't like dog. Someday she persist my opinion from that time we bring the dog. I don't why I loved him. May be he is very cute. Frankly speaking, these days, we have some trouble to each other. Before yesterday he makes the fault that he was pass water in my room. I was very upset to him. So I had hit him. Today, when I came back my home, he didn't greeting to me even he didn't want met me. I want to effect reconciliation with my dog.


Tokyo admits Dokdo may be owned by Korea(Nov 21)

The Japanese government, in an unprecedented move, has acknowledged the existence of a 19th-century document that could prove Japan's longstanding claim over Dokdo, a set of South Korean islets, to be groundless.
In a recent letter to Yonhap News agency, Japan's Foreign Ministry said it was aware of an 1877 document sent by the Japanese Cabinet to other government offices as an official instruction.
The document describes Dokdo and nearby Ulleungdo as not being part of Japan, and says the islands should not be included in its territory on official maps.
It apparently undermines a claim by Japan's government and scholars that Dokdo historically belongs to the island country. Contrary to the contents of the document, Japan has long maintained that the country effectively controlled the territory from ancient times and it reaffirmed its ownership in 1905 through a decree by Shimane prefecture.
Yonhap has endeavored for more than a year to collect the opinions of Japan's government and political parties on the issue.
Responding to Yonhap's latest written inquiry sent to Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso, however, the ministry said it knows about the existence of the document drawn up by the Japanese government body called "Daijokan" in Japanese and "Taejeonggwan" in Korean.
But it refused to comment further, saying a related investigation and analysis is under way. (Yonhap News)

My Opinion
I always hope Dokdo is proved our land. Dokdo is our island. But Japan is demanded their own way, it is there island. I always hope Dokdo is proved our land. Now, It is the proved our land. I don’t know exactly, why they are persists in Dokdo is their mind. May be they want to get the natural resources in the bottom of the Dokdo.


Effective exercise

Before exercising, warm up is good for you. The main purpose of warm up is to increase your heart rate. It raises your core body temperature an increases the blood flow to your muscles. And it may help you avoid injuries such as muscle tears and pulls. Aerobic means with air and oxygen. It conditions the heart and lungs by increasing the oxygen. But stopping suddenly can lead to muscle cramping and dizziness. After this, we need to cool down. It reduces your pulse and returns the blood to your heart. To maintain health, you must eat nutritive foods such as vegetables, dark chocolate and fish. 


About CPR

75% of all cardiac arrests happen in people’s homes then you must use CPR. It is most successful when administered as quickly as possible. CPR should only be performed when a person is not breathing or circulating blood adequately. CPR has three basic parts. It is distinguished ABC. A is for airway. The victim’s airway must open for breathing. B is for breathing. It essentially, breaths by forcing air into lungs. C is for circulation. It should be coordinated with rescue breathing. When you have the CPR then first is call. Check the victim for unresponsiveness. If there is no response, Call 911 and return to the victim. Second is blow. Tilt the head back and listen for breathing. If not breathing normally, pinch nose and cover the mouth with yours and blow until you see the chest rise. Give 2 breaths. Each breath should take 2 seconds. Last is pump. If the victim is still not breathing normally, Push down on the chest 15 times right between the nipples.