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Step up

Today, I saw the movie which name is Step up. This movie seems like 'Honey'. Honey actress is Jessica Alba. Both of movie topics are dance. Step up actor is Channing Tatum and actress is Jenna Dewan. Also both of people aren't debuted pretty much. Channign Tatum's role is Taler. Taler doesn't have any dream. But he really like dance in club. Someday, he makes the accident. So he had to volunteer at Baltimore¹s ultra-elite Maryland School of the Arts. Then he met the Nora who she is ballet dancer at school. She is preparing the showcase. But someday her partner is broken the ankle. Nora has a difficult time and she is finding the someone who helped the by the partner. But she didn't found the partner as the satisfaction. That time, She realized about Taler is her partner. At that time, Taler is changed his life. Anyway this movie is very interesting. If you are worn out from difficult thing then how about watch this movie?


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