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About Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson was born in New York on 1956 who has two job in the USA which was an actor and director. He was contribution movie "Grahpics of Youths" and he became popular as casting of actor to "Mad Max" for Jon Miller director. As this movie he won a pride of an actor by austrailia movie eorporation. He was showed us about tough, sexy, friendly and so on by another movies. On1990 he succeed as movie director.In 1996, he made movie " Brave Heart". This movie was nominated to 10 sections of Academic Awards. And It was won the best pize of product and the best director with 5 part of Prize. Also a devout believer of Mel Gibson who made a movie which name is "The Passion Of The Christ". He invested 2500 million dollar for made movie by himself. And this movie gained box office frofits about 2billion 100million dollar. But it got blamed to violence, inflammatory and hatred of Jews.


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