Divination sign
Today, I went to the Nam-Po-Dong with sunny. We was ate the Korean traditional food. I don't understood. Sunny is eating like a horse. Also She is eating more than me. But why is she thin? I want to her constitution. Anyway we was eating a lot of food so we need exercise. We went to the Yong-Du-San Park. Today is the National Foundation Day. So crowded many people in there even though a dove. Everywhere has a dove. I don't like it. We took a picture in there. There was a movie studio. The movies name is Sa-Sang-gul-Dan. When I arrived there, I remember the there a scene. We saw the marvelous something. A small bird is pick up the paper in the box. The paper has a divination sign. So interesting. My a divination sign that I'll all goes well on november and december. I wonder about what happen on november and december. Today is a good day.
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